"Culture is not inherited, it is conquered."
André Malraux

Jazz in Briançon

A great and fantastic Jazz festival in the Hautes Alpes in and around Briançon

 Jazz 05


Keywords: Briançon, Jazz

UTL Briancon France

Very interesting trainings and conferences !



Keywords: conferences, trainings, Briançon

Theatre à Gap

Eclectic and fun programming


Keywords: Theatre, Gap

Cinema at Briançon

A very pleasant cinema, with fairly regular movies in the premises of the MJC of Briançon:

An association of dynamic and enthusiastic moviegoers with, for example, thematic evenings (screenings of two films interspersed with a small meal in connection with films: Danish, Malagasy etc ...):

Cinoch Briançon

Mots clés: Briançon, Cinéma

Briançon library

A small library at the foot of the gargoyle of the city Vauban, intimate and warm. A floor that cracks, beautiful books and documents of all kinds, CDs, DVDs, comics, magazines etc .... Librarians competent and available. A nice blog to browse and read, well written and rich in suggestions of all kinds often more attractive than each other. Cultural events (concerts, conferences, comic strips, literary meetings, coffee philo etc ...) very nice, that many natives would like even more!

Keywords: Library

Theater Briançon

A beautiful annual program: plays, concerts, in and outside the walls. Dynamism and daring in programming. A beautiful room, with a balcony, as well as a bar and a team of enthusiasts in the service of culture.

Keywords: Spectacles

Town and village of the Hautes Alpes (05)

Abriès - Agnières-en-Dévoluy - Aiguilles - Ancelle - Antonaves - L'Argentière-la-Bessée - Arvieux - Aspremont - Aspres-lès-Corps - Aspres-sur-Buëch - Avançon - Baratier - Barcillonnette - Barret-sur-Méouge - La Bâtie-Montsaléon - La Bâtie-Neuve - La Bâtie-Vieille - La Beaume - Bénévent-et-Charbillac - Le Bersac - Bréziers - Briançon - Bruis - Buissard - Ceillac - Cervières - Chabestan - Chabottes - Champcella - Champoléon - Chanousse - La Chapelle-en-Valgaudémar - Château-Ville-Vieille - Châteauneuf-d'Oze - Châteauneuf-de-Chabre - Châteauroux-les-Alpes - Châteauvieux - Chauffayer - Chorges - La Cluse - Les Costes - Crévoux - Crots - Embrun - Éourres - L'Épine - Esparron - Espinasses - Étoile-Saint-Cyrice - Eygliers - Eyguians - La Fare-en-Champsaur - La Faurie - Forest-Saint-Julien - Fouillouse - Freissinières - La Freissinouse - Furmeyer - Gap - Le Glaizil - La Grave - Guillestre - La Haute-Beaume - Les Infournas - Jarjayes - Lagrand - Laragne-Montéglin - Lardier-et-Valença - Laye - Lazer - Lettret - Manteyer - Méreuil - Molines-en-Queyras - Monêtier-Allemont - Le Monêtier-les-Bains - Mont-Dauphin - Montbrand - Montclus - Montgardin - Montgenèvre - Montjay - Montmaur - Montmorin - Montrond - La Motte-en-Champsaur - Moydans - Neffes - Névache - Nossage-et-Bénévent - Le Noyer - Orcières - Orpierre - Les Orres - Oze - Pelleautier - Pelvoux - La Piarre - Le Poët - Poligny - Prunières - Puy-Sanières - Puy-Saint-André - Puy-Saint-Eusèbe - Puy-Saint-Pierre - Puy-Saint-Vincent - Rabou - Rambaud - Réallon - Remollon - Réotier - Ribeyret - Ribiers - Risoul - Ristolas - La Roche-de-Rame - La Roche-des-Arnauds - Rochebrune - La Rochette - Rosans - Rousset - Le Saix - Saléon - Salérans - La Salle les Alpes - La Saulce - Le Sauze-du-Lac - Savines-le-Lac - Savournon - Serres - Sigottier - Sigoyer - Sorbiers - Saint-André-d'Embrun - Saint-André-de-Rosans - Saint-Apollinaire - Saint-Auban-d'Oze - Saint-Bonnet-en-Champsaur - Saint-Chaffrey - Saint-Clément-sur-Durance - Saint-Crépin - Saint-Disdier - Saint-Étienne-en-Dévoluy - Saint-Étienne-le-Laus - Saint-Eusèbe-en-Champsaur - Saint-Firmin - Saint-Genis - Saint-Jacques-en-Valgodemard - Saint-Jean-Saint-Nicolas - Saint-Julien-en-Beauchêne - Saint-Julien-en-Champsaur - Saint-Laurent-du-Cros - Saint-Léger-les-Mélèzes - Saint-Martin-de-Queyrières - Saint-Maurice-en-Valgodemard - Saint-Michel-de-Chaillol - Saint-Pierre-Avez - Saint-Pierre-d'Argençon - Saint-Sauveur - Saint-Véran - Sainte-Colombe - Sainte-Marie - Tallard - Théus - Trescléoux - Upaix - Val-des-Prés - Vallouise - Valserres - Vars - Ventavon - Veynes - Les Vigneaux - Villar-d'Arêne - Villar-Loubière - Villar-Saint-Pancrace - Vitrolles

Communauty of town and/or village in the Hautes Alpes (05)

Communauté de communes du Briançonnais (Briançon), de l'Embrunais (Embrun), du Pays des Écrins (L'Argentière-la-Bessée), de Tallard - Barcillonnette (Tallard), de la vallée de l'Avance (La Bâtie-Neuve), des Deux Buëch (Veynes), du Laragnais (Lazer), du Guillestrois (Guillestre), du Champsaur (Saint-Bonnet-en-Champsaur), de l'Escarton du Queyras (Aiguilles), du Serrois (Serres), interdépartementale des Baronnies (Lagrand), du Haut Champsaur (Saint-Jean-Saint-Nicolas), du canton de Ribiers Val de Méouge (Ribiers),  Savinois - Serre Ponçon (Savines-le-Lac), du Haut Buëch (Aspres-sur-Buëch), du Pays de Serre Ponçon (Espinasses), du Valgaudémar (Saint-Firmin), de la Vallée de l'Oule (Bruis).