Celestin and Elise Freinet lived in Vallouise during the second world. A symposium, seminar is held with conferences, films and exhibitions on the subject from 8 to 10 May 2018. Discover the program of this event (exhibitions, films, debates, conferences).
The Hautes-Alpes allow a multitude of outdoor activities, most often playful. Many professional activities also depend on the weather. We offer some online forecasting tools but also elements of understanding the top Alpine weather. Indications and information on the web will allow you to establish your own forecasts on the very short term.
A small anecdotal subject of a vacuum cleaner that has become unusable because of a simple flexible hose not designed to last more than 3 or 4 years. Another case of planned obsolescence?
To be informed, to keep abreast of what is happening around you out of curiosity or interest. Find ideas, take an interest in others and their environment. We offer you a list of blogs, personal pages, high alpine social networking accounts, which occasionally deserve a little detour. A small list also more traditional local media and information flows available on the internet.
Many tourists and visitors, including Italians, major cities of the peninsula have more often than not the very unpleasant surprise to receive tickets several months after their visit. Racket Turin and traffic scams in areas reserved for local residents or lack of information and vigilance of motorists?
Scheduled obsolescence is generally related to household electrical or electronic products. This phenomenon, whether voluntary or not, also exists with regard to sports shoes.
Some images from our archives of the impressive forest fire at Vigneaux in the valley of Vallouise in 2003. 2003 was a year of hot weather throughout France but also the theater of many fires in the Paca region. A recent walk under the very airhead Tête d'Amont (Montbrison massif), also visible from the Oreac plateau (see photo HD) gave us the idea to bring out old photos of relief in action, including Canadairs CL 415.
Press review mountain and Hautes Alpes
Some articles on different topics that seem interesting démogaphy in the Ecrins, Hautes Alpes between Dauphiné and Provence, road accident in the Hautes Alpes in 2013, the Barre des Ecrins celebrates 150 years!
Press review infos
A selection of articles to read: Chinese factories pollute their American clients, women's rights in Morocco, Mediterranean hyphenated peoples, internet new Stasi (secret police of East German communist regime), preserve the species human through the waist, Internet rumor peddler.